Pameran senirupa CUT & RE-MIX di Jogja Gallery, 2 - 9 September 2014, sebagai bagian dari rangkaian kegiatan Festival Kesenian Yogyakarta ke-26 (FKY 26). Selain akan memamerkan 40 karya seniman muda hasil seleksi, juga akan menampilkan 10 karya seniman undangan. Berikut profil salah satu seniman undangan.
Anom lahir pada tahun 1985. Ia kuliah di
Jurusan Komunikasi UPN Yogyakarta pada tahun 2003. Perkenalannya dengan
fotografi melalui majalah skateboard dan mulai belajar teknik fotografi yang Ia
dapatkan pada mata kuliah Fotografi Dasar selama satu semester di UPN dan dua
semester di Modern School Of Design. Meski Ia mulai memotret saat aktif di
komunitas skateboard di Indonesia. Melalui komunitas ini pula Ia mengenal dunia
musik hardcore, dimana Ia kemudian lebih aktif memotret tiap pertunjukan yang
diadakan oleh komunitas-komunitas musik indie di Yogyakarta dan kota-kota
Setahun lalu Anom memamerkan karya-karya fotografinya di Kedai Kebun Forum (KKF) Yogyakarta. YOU NEED MORE FANS WE NEED MORE STAGES. Berikut adalah catatan Wok The Rock (kurator) tentang pameran ini, yang dipublikasikan di
A Photo
Exhibition by Anom Sugiswoto - Curated by Wok The Rock and Mixtape by Uma Guma
The practice of photographing musical performances, especially in the
hardcore punk music community, and other types of indie music in Indonesia had
undue influence straight out of a magazine or a zine from the West. In the
tradition of the zine, there is a special section, the ‘ report ‘ gig or
musical event reportage. Reports or reports that text accompanied by photo
documentation of which there is sometimes no less. Usually arranged at random
and overlapping the collage-style. This is an inspiring musical event to
photograph. In addition to publication of the zine is also just for safekeeping
or watched the busy places to hang out.
The number of people taking more and more in line with the emergence of
digital pocket camera with reasonable price and features a camera in a mobile
phone. In addition, photography has become part of the lifestyle of creative
young people. Some people learn better in photography, both self-taught,
courses to the College on the bench.
With the internet, the rite gets new space to publish works on Myspace,
Facebook, Flickr and the most popular is Blogspot. Space and digital format
makes the photographer no longer prints of his work. Photos accessible through
screen cameras, cell phones and computers.
Anom represents this generation. Anom was born in 1985. He lectures in
the Department of Communication of UPN’s Palace in 2003. Her relationship with
photography through the skateboard magazine and began studying the techniques
of photography that He get on a Basic Photography course for one semester at
UPN and two semesters at the Modern School Of Design. Even though he started
photographing when active in skateboarding in Indonesia. Through this
community, he knows the world of hardcore music, which he then photographed
each more active performances staged by indie music communities in Yogyakarta
and other cities. For 9 years, she has thousands of photos weighs more than 150
gigabytes. Of these, it only prints the photo in a photo lab as much as 12
sheets and 15 sheets with desktop printer. In his blog, he uploaded his work
more than 1000 photographs.
At the exhibition, his works are displayed in the slideshow that Anom is
projected on a screen. This presentation will also play tunes from bands he
ever be based on legitimate. This exhibition confirms we are on how to watch
the popular photographic work going on at this moment and gives a atmosphere of
musical representation.
July, 2013
- Wok The Rock Against The World
Open Application CUT & RE-MIX. mengundang teman-teman perupa muda untuk ambil bagian dalam pameran ini, sebebas-bebasnya, semederdeka-merdekanya melalui jalur open application sampai tanggal 19 Agustus 2014. Pameran CUT & RE-MIX akan diselenggarakan di Jogja Gallery tanggal 2-9 September 2014. Klik disini untuk melihat syarat dan ketentuannya.
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